Our Story

I found out I had a sensitivity to both gluten and dairy shortly after my son was born 5 years ago. Since then, I have struggled to find foods to satisfy my new diet. I have always enjoyed cooking and baking- but food had become more of a necessity rather than something to enjoy. Recently, I have also become focused on what kinds of foods I am feeding my family.

This is when my sourdough journey began. In my search to find a decent loaf of vegan, gluten free bread that was also affordable- I stumbled upon recipes that I could make myself. A loaf of sourdough bread only has 3 simple ingredients: flour, water, and salt. No preservatives or unnecessary sugars. I discovered that my food sensitivities might not be to gluten, but to the ingredients in mass produced flour. So, I made my own starter- water and flour, as well as my own gluten free starter- water and rice flour- and invested in a grain mill.

My baking took off from there! Each new sourdough recipe I tried was better than the last. I want to keep learning more about the foods we consume and to keep growing in my baking abilities. I love making foods that are more nutrient dense for my family and to offer them to your family as well!

I strive to use the best quality ingredients in my baked goods. I use grains and flours from Azure Standard and other co-ops to support our local farmers.